It's Not Creepy, It's Social Media

I’ll take “It’s Not Creepy, It’s Social Media for $200, Alex.”

Clue: “I’m Following You.” "What is Instagram?”

Up until a year ago, Adjunct Advisors, LLC was nowhere to be found on the 'gram.

After all, thoughts of insurance don't usually evoke beautiful imagery, do they?

Car accidents!


Hurt people!





I still see all of this in my feed as I scroll - and likely always will.

But, as I flex a bit of my own creative muscle, I see those with me in the industry do the same.

I see more and more insurance professionals using the platform not to push a product or make a buck, but rather to invite their customers to see the humanity of the work we do - and us!

So curious: As a consumer of insurance, do you follow your insurance agent or provider on Instagram? As an insurance professional, do you make a point of following your clients there? Tell me more below!


Don't Force It


With hopes of keeping the vacation vibes flowing, while sitting in the airport headed back home to Chicago last month, I Primed a puzzle depicting a beautiful Italian village I’d fallen in love with during that wonderful trip to the coast.

These past few weeks, sitting down at the table and fitting a piece or two in its place in between calls or meetings - or just to clear my mind - has been gratifying in a nearly indescribable way.

This particular puzzle offers a little “click” when the piece is secure - and I’m confident that it’s in the right place.

If it’s the wrong piece - no “click” - and I know I need to keep hunting for the right one.

If only there was a magic “click” to indicate that the decisions we’re making in life and business are the right fit!

Lately, I’ve found myself forcing things - committing to projects, gigs and even conversations - that don’t fit.

This morning, and in the days to come, I’ll be challenging myself to look at these commitments and ensure that they align with the work I’ve set out to do.

And when I do, I know things will just “click.”

Are you forcing something in your life or business today? Let me know in the comments below!

Like Yesterday

Can you pinpoint a single moment that changed the trajectory of your life?

While there are undoubtedly several for most of us, perhaps none was more significant in shaping my career in insurance than the introduction to the industry that I had while a student at Illinois Wesleyan University.

Such a warm welcome I received yesterday as I headed back to campus to share with current risk management and entrepreneurship students the various highs - and lows - of my own career journey since graduating nearly 20 years ago.

There are fantastic ideas taking shape in the minds of these students and I can’t wait to work alongside - and learn from - those that decide to begin their own careers in insurance.

An aside - I’m exceptionally proud to have made it through the day without uttering the word “whippersnapper” - and without telling a single person that “I’m old enough to be your mother.”

I’d say it was a success!

Thanks to Warren Kistner, Patrick Zajac and Brian Richardson for the thoughtful coordination of the day, and Joe Solberg and Tara Gerstner for making space for me in your schedules.

Insurance Careers at IWU

Watch Your Mouth!

My smart mouth got me in trouble as a kid.

I craved having the last word and sarcasm was my second language.

At least once that I can remember, I found myself standing in the powder blue bathroom in the split-level I grew up in, while my mom washed my mouth out with a gold-colored bar of Dial soap.

It was the 80s after all - and the punishment most definitely fit the crime!

Truth? This weekend wasn’t my best.

I spent far too much time wallowing in negative self-talk and I just couldn’t seem to shake the funk that I was in.

I know that if I’d put words to the feelings I was having - and said them out loud - my mom would’ve most certainly washed my mouth out with soap once again.

And the punishment definitely would’ve fit the crime!

A new week means a fresh start and I’m grateful for that this morning.

Personal or professional, what are you looking forward to most this week? Let me know in the comments below!


Thank You For Your Time

I’m about to board a flight to Las Vegas, and, as I always do, I have a cup of coffee by my side for the journey. 

This particular cup, though, is a special one.

You see, last month I had the opportunity to speak in front of a room full of women in insurance. After the session, one woman reached out to me to continue the conversation we’d started in that room. 

We set time for a call, during which we chatted about my own career journey and hers. Before hanging up, she thanked me for my time and about our days we went. 

A bit later an email popped in my inbox - it was from Starbucks, letting me know that a gift card was on its way from the same gal as a token of her appreciation. She clearly knows my love language!

Monetary gestures like this one aren’t always appropriate - or accessible - for us. 

Perhaps you’d consider recording a live talk delivered by someone you admire or transcribing the notes from the chat you had over coffee with a woman who took time to meet with you. I’ve been thrilled to be on the receiving end of both!

I’d love to know, what pre-flight rituals do you have? Let me know in the comments below!

P.S. Will I be seeing you at Applied Net 2019 this week? Let’s connect! 


It's So Nice To Meet You, {Insert Name Here}!

“It’s so nice to see you again,” I said.

“Oh, goodness, yes! Remind me where we met?” she asked.

Truth? I have no idea.

Her face looks vaguely familiar - but that could be because it appears in my social feed periodically. The world is small here in Chicago, so it’s also likely we have many common connections.

We probably did meet - but I couldn’t tell you where.

Have you ever been here?

In conversation with a friend this weekend, he confessed to being terrible at remembering names - and asked how I’ve become so good at it.

Clearly I have him fooled!

Name tags are an obvious gift at an event or gathering where strangers and acquaintances will connect - or reconnect.

In the absence of a name tag, though, I will offer up my name to most anyone I’ve met just once or twice - even if I know we’ve met before. Doing this deflects any stress or shame that she may be feeling for not remembering my name, and also gives her an opportunity to do the same for me.

“Hi! It’s Meg, so nice to see you again!” I say as I smile warmly.

“Meg! Great to see you! Viv, we met at the rooftop event last fall,” she replies.

And we’re off!

What techniques do you have for recalling someone’s name? Thanks for sharing in the comments below.


Farewell Summer!

Wearing my summer wardrobe staple poppy red jumpsuit for what I sense will be the last time for a while, last night I joined a group of fascinating women as we said farewell to summer with a perfectly curated evening, on a rooftop overlooking Chicago’s magical skyline.

Our hosts, Megan Wessels and Joanna Sobran, to no one’s surprise, considered every detail. E

ach of the 30 or so women in attendance had the opportunity to introduce herself to the group. She shared a bit about her work and finished by sharing her superpower with the group.

Many women, as you’d imagine, were connectors. Others could see the good in most situations.

One gal proclaimed her superpower was simply not complaining. I love this so much.

Making complicated things - like insurance, risk-taking and even getting dressed in the morning - simple is my own superpower.

I’d love to know - what’s your superpower? Tell me in the comments below.

Chicago gals! Megan’s next Powerful Partners Forum launches in October. The Forum is a unique opportunity for female business owners who are looking for clarity and support to fuel their business growth. You can learn more here: Powerful Partners' Forum

Summer Soiree

Women In Insurance | Chicago

If you're ever invited to get really vulnerable, really quickly, in front of a room full of strangers, I highly recommend you answer the call.

Earlier this week, at Chicago's Women In Insurance conference, I joined Lainie Dorneker, Liz Walker, Lisa Weiland and Megan Bock Zarnoch in a candid conversation about imposter syndrome; how it's presented in our lives and careers, and how we can succeed in spite of it.

There was so much strength on stage - but there was also so much humility - and humanity.

How we define leadership in the insurance industry is changing, and I am beyond proud to be in such good company!

Thank you Jesse Friedl and Insurance Business America for including me in the conversation.

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18 Years Later

I was a naive underwriter living and working in rural Ohio when September 11th became more than just another date on the calendar.

On the heels of the Y2K “crisis,” the insurance industry now had to process and position - quickly - as the word “terrorism” was woven into nearly every conversation.

There were so many questions - and so few answers - in the days and weeks that would follow.

Were the events that day one single event or four?

Did “terrorism” fit the definition of “war?”

And how would the myriad insurance policies in place respond?

The providers of insurance considered carefully what is referred to as their total exposure; what would their financial loss - in property and human capital - be that day - and if events like this would occur again?

Corporate risk managers reviewed and revised policies and procedures to include evacuation plans; executive leadership no longer traveled together in the same plane. T

he insurance industry changed that day, but in ways so insignificant compared to those who lost their lives and their loved ones.

Remembering all who were, and continue to be, impacted today.


Too Soon?

Are you caught up in the PSL debate?

PSL, for those not following along, is a nod to Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte, which has historically been a limited edition offering that has people flocking to their stores to enjoy during the fall.

Starbucks released PSL last Tuesday, a decision that has many squealing with delight - and others taking to social media to rant (check out #PSL for some light reading).

As it feels to some like Starbucks releases PSL earlier and earlier in the season each year, there are two general opinions on the matter:

🚫 August is too soon for pumpkin anything! It’s still summer!

✔️ Bring it on! And why isn’t it available all year ‘round?

Of course, there are those that have no opinion - but, any day now, holiday decorations will appear in retail stores and undoubtedly similar conversations will be had again.

We’ll be focusing on goal setting for 2020 in my newsletter this month; it feels perhaps a little “too soon,” but also like the right time to begin to plan for success in the new year.

What do you make of the PSL debate? And have you started to make your 2020 plans? Let me know in the comments below!

Let’s keep you up to date! Subscribe for updates here.
