18 Years Later

I was a naive underwriter living and working in rural Ohio when September 11th became more than just another date on the calendar.

On the heels of the Y2K “crisis,” the insurance industry now had to process and position - quickly - as the word “terrorism” was woven into nearly every conversation.

There were so many questions - and so few answers - in the days and weeks that would follow.

Were the events that day one single event or four?

Did “terrorism” fit the definition of “war?”

And how would the myriad insurance policies in place respond?

The providers of insurance considered carefully what is referred to as their total exposure; what would their financial loss - in property and human capital - be that day - and if events like this would occur again?

Corporate risk managers reviewed and revised policies and procedures to include evacuation plans; executive leadership no longer traveled together in the same plane. T

he insurance industry changed that day, but in ways so insignificant compared to those who lost their lives and their loved ones.

Remembering all who were, and continue to be, impacted today.
