Thank You For Your Time

I’m about to board a flight to Las Vegas, and, as I always do, I have a cup of coffee by my side for the journey. 

This particular cup, though, is a special one.

You see, last month I had the opportunity to speak in front of a room full of women in insurance. After the session, one woman reached out to me to continue the conversation we’d started in that room. 

We set time for a call, during which we chatted about my own career journey and hers. Before hanging up, she thanked me for my time and about our days we went. 

A bit later an email popped in my inbox - it was from Starbucks, letting me know that a gift card was on its way from the same gal as a token of her appreciation. She clearly knows my love language!

Monetary gestures like this one aren’t always appropriate - or accessible - for us. 

Perhaps you’d consider recording a live talk delivered by someone you admire or transcribing the notes from the chat you had over coffee with a woman who took time to meet with you. I’ve been thrilled to be on the receiving end of both!

I’d love to know, what pre-flight rituals do you have? Let me know in the comments below!

P.S. Will I be seeing you at Applied Net 2019 this week? Let’s connect! 
