My smart mouth got me in trouble as a kid.
I craved having the last word and sarcasm was my second language.
At least once that I can remember, I found myself standing in the powder blue bathroom in the split-level I grew up in, while my mom washed my mouth out with a gold-colored bar of Dial soap.
It was the 80s after all - and the punishment most definitely fit the crime!
Truth? This weekend wasn’t my best.
I spent far too much time wallowing in negative self-talk and I just couldn’t seem to shake the funk that I was in.
I know that if I’d put words to the feelings I was having - and said them out loud - my mom would’ve most certainly washed my mouth out with soap once again.
And the punishment definitely would’ve fit the crime!
A new week means a fresh start and I’m grateful for that this morning.
Personal or professional, what are you looking forward to most this week? Let me know in the comments below!