8.08 | Mind the Gap with Jessica Williams

Episode Summary

Host Meg McKeen welcomes side hustle cheerleader Jessica Williams to the podcast. Whether you're thinking about a side hustle or it's never crossed your mind, there is something in this conversation for you. Jess nudges us toward taking that first, tiny, clumsy step - and with kindness and grace, talks us through some of the feelings that might be getting in the way. Perfectionism, over-thinking, overwhelm - are we alone here?! We also share more about nurturing the parts of us that are overshadowed in adulthood - and the permission you might not realize you need to pursue them.

Meet Jessica Williams

Jessica L. Williams, aka Tech Biz Gurl, believes you don’t have to quit your day job to be an entrepreneur. She is the creator of #jesspicks, a weekly newsletter featuring practical resources and tips for side hustlers.  She keeps her own cup full by reading, dancing, and enjoying Chicago life with her friends and family.

Links & resources mentioned in this episode

  • Connect with Jess on LinkedIn

  • Learn more about the coaching and speaking services offered by Jess here

  • Have a question for Meg? Submit it here and she may answer it on a future episode!

To learn more about this podcast, and the work Meg McKeen does to support insurance professionals, visit Adjunct Advisors.

To receive To Taking the Risk, the monthly newsletter Meg curates, including updates on her #digitalnomad adventures, subscribe here.

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