8.07 | Making Magic with Rachel Hamlin

Episode Summary

Host Meg McKeen welcomes mindset coach Rachel Hamlin to the podcast. Meg accidentally finds herself in the hotseat as she shares more about her complicated relationship with social media and several of the starts - and stops - that she's experienced in the work she does. Together we talk about the freedom that can be found in routine - and the difference between working hard and making work hard. Having both experienced it, we also chat about burnout the choices we have as we navigate life after it.

Meet Rachel Hamlin

Rachel Hamlin is a mindset coach & somatic healer who helps founders & executives in high-pressure positions to alchemize stress and cultivate presence, both in terms of present-moment fulfillment and leadership presence. She has a startup background and a spiritual bent, having worked as a product leader in three different countries and traveled to more than 40 for meditation retreats, yoga teacher training and more. She's currently in Costa Rica, fulfilling her ultimate life goal of becoming a surfer chick.

Links & resources mentioned in this episode

  • Connect with Rachel on LinkedIn

  • Learn more about the coaching services offered by Rachel here

  • Have a question for Meg? Submit it here and she may answer it on a future episode!

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