The United States of Insurance | Agency Careers

One gloomy day last fall, I ventured down to Chicago’s Navy Pier to attend an insurance industry conference for young professionals, hosted by Gamma Iota Sigma and Insurance Nerds.

I grabbed a seat and introduced myself to Patrick West, the founder of Hedge Quote, and the lively conversation we started that day continued when Pat launched his video series this year - The United States of Insurance. For this project, Pat interviewed a variety of insurance industry professionals to learn more about their career journeys. I’m in good company with you both, Kelsey Alcorn-Brenneisen and Billy Van Jura!

Pat and I covered a lot of ground in our conversation; you can watch in its entirety, or join mid-stream for more on these specific topics:

  • Overlooked aspects of a career in insurance (1:14)

  • A day in my life (4:35)

  • Challenges we face as an industry - and how we solve them (5:58)

  • My personal journey and the building of Adjunct Advisors, LLC (9:54)

  • Thoughts on the future of the industry (18:33)


I’d love to know - what challenges does the industry you’re in face? Do you view your work to be part of the solution? Let me know in the comments below!

Elevating Your Insurance Career | Spot On Insurance


It’s a true delight to have spent an hour with Arleen Taveras and Ted Taveras on the latest episode of Spot On Insurance, sharing more about the path that led to the founding of Adjunct Advisors, and the resources I offer to agency principals as we develop and empower the Insurance industry’s next generation of sales leaders.  

You can stream the episode through iTunes here:

Or listen to the episode in its entirety here:

Ready to take the next step? Contact me today to discuss the individualized sales solutions available to your team!

Have Her Back: Kathleen Brown | Empowered Wellness

Every once in awhile, I meet someone and I know, no matter what, that I want to be part of what they’re building.

I attended a thoughtfully curated event (there you go, Melanie Husk, AAMS™, AWMA™, at it again) earlier this year, during which a handful of women in entrepreneurship gathered and began sharing - sharing about our business ventures, our backgrounds, our lives and what matters most to us. We covered a lot of ground that evening!

I’ll forever be grateful that Kathleen M. Brown was seated at that table.

In her words, here is more about the important work Kathleen is doing through her venture, Empowered Wellness.

As a cancer survivor who has spent the past two decades spreading awareness and raising funds to beat the disease, I have met hundreds of other survivors whose stories have inspired me to do more. I am building a community and platform to connect cancer fighters with accessible wellness resources - delivered by those who love and care about them.

The first prototype is in development, and I’d love for you to share with Kathleen how she can support you or someone you love: I’d love for you to share with Kathleen how she can support you or someone you love:

This article originally appeared on LinkedIn; you can view it and connect with me here.

It’s Not You It’s Me


You know the feeling. 

Perhaps it’s seeing her name pop up on the caller ID as the phone begins ringing.  Maybe it’s the email that hits your inbox - the one that makes you sigh before clicking through, thinking “what does he want now?”  Or even still, it’s all the time you spend breathing deeply and mustering strength before walking through the office doors for the meeting you don't want to attend.

Most of us have had - or currently have - those customer relationships that challenge us.  They take a lot - time, energy, space, and often give very little - revenue, joy, satisfaction.  

Have you given yourself permission to create a separation strategy for those customers?  If that seems too great a step to take, I encourage you to allow yourself to be curious about what a day free from those relationships might look like for you - and for your team.  

I’d love to hear about a time you parted ways with a customer - what was waiting for you on the other side?

This article originally appeared on LinkedIn; you can view it and connect with me here.

Allies & Updates

Thank you for taking time to follow along on my journey, and for your interest in helping me to grow the reach of the work I’m doing through Adjunct Advisors. Can you help me to connect with any of the individuals identified below?

Do any of your connections include owners of small to mid-sized insurance agencies?

Are you connected to any insurance agents who may be lacking mentorship support and considering a job change?

Are you connected to any soon-to-be or recent college grads who may be uncertain about their career plans?

Is anyone in your network making plans to launch a new business this year?

Thank you for your creativity and support; however I may return this kindness to you, please just let me know.

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{Message Meg}