Have Her Back: Kathleen Brown | Empowered Wellness

Every once in awhile, I meet someone and I know, no matter what, that I want to be part of what they’re building.

I attended a thoughtfully curated event (there you go, Melanie Husk, AAMS™, AWMA™, at it again) earlier this year, during which a handful of women in entrepreneurship gathered and began sharing - sharing about our business ventures, our backgrounds, our lives and what matters most to us. We covered a lot of ground that evening!

I’ll forever be grateful that Kathleen M. Brown was seated at that table.

In her words, here is more about the important work Kathleen is doing through her venture, Empowered Wellness.

As a cancer survivor who has spent the past two decades spreading awareness and raising funds to beat the disease, I have met hundreds of other survivors whose stories have inspired me to do more. I am building a community and platform to connect cancer fighters with accessible wellness resources - delivered by those who love and care about them.

The first prototype is in development, and I’d love for you to share with Kathleen how she can support you or someone you love: I’d love for you to share with Kathleen how she can support you or someone you love: www.powforyou.com/help

This article originally appeared on LinkedIn; you can view it and connect with me here.