
Always Take The Call

“Always take the call.” As she shared more about her own career path during her talk at the Women In Tech Breakfast on Friday morning, Julia Kanouse encouraged the women in the audience to always take the call - I nodded vigorously in agreement as I considered those times that I had myself taken the call.

Pivotal opportunities in my career journey have come as a direct result of my curiosity and openness to taking the call (or the meeting or the email - you get the point)!

As I continued to seek alignment between my values and the work I was doing, even if I took no action, these conversations helped me to solidify that I was indeed in the right place, helped me to forge new connections, and provided the opportunity to glean insights into the changing landscape of the insurance industry.

On a handful of occasions, these calls came at a time when I was ready to pivot. This truly is a journey!

How about you? Have you taken a call that changed the trajectory of your career? Let me know in the comments below!

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