In one word

Are you up for a challenge?

Drop one word in the comments here that describes the feeling your ideal client will have when working with you.

Now head over to your profile and the last handful of posts you shared here and count the number of times that word appears.

I’ll wait, no problem.

Insurance agents, we’re missing it.

While we obsess about coverage and squeeze the underwriter for one more percent, we’ve abandoned our client.

With a doubt hangover from their past terrible experience dealing with insurance, we are missing the chance to make a deeper connection.

A connection rooted in emotion that transcends the sale of an insurance policy.

And that makes the choice to work with us so obviously clear.

Showing up in this way is different.

It’s clumsy and it’s awkward but you can do it.

And your future clients want you to.

Bring your LinkedIn questions - and any others - to the first Ask Me Anything I’ll be hosting on Tuesday; register to join me for this complimentary session here.