Know when to hold 'em...

"We are treated the way we allow ourselves to be treated."

Would you agree?

When it comes to the work we do as insurance salespeople, I agree wholeheartedly.

One of the most impactful realizations we can have, after all, is that we ourselves want a different experience with our clients.

But the most powerful?

The confidence to communicate this to the person whom you know is not for you.

In practice, this means listening for cues from your potential client.

Is she rushing the process?
Is he dismissing your questions?
Are they questioning your expertise?

“Tell me about the experience you’ve had buying insurance in the past.” is one of my favorite questions to ask a potential client.

It always reveals so much more.

Not every potential client can - or should - be rehabilitated, and only we can decide which way we’ll go.

When we are clear and confident within ourselves, we create space for those who will truly value the work we do.

I'd love to know: What are some tell-tale signs that let you know a client isn't for you? Share in the comments below, please!