Fake it till you make it

When can I stop faking it?
And how do I know I’ve made it?

“Fake it till you make it” is very well intended advice, after all.

I’ve had adult-types throughout my life share this wisdom with me - intending to encourage me to take chances in my life and career, even when I didn’t feel ready.

Or qualified.
Or deserving.
Or enough.

But “Congratulations! Now you can stop faking it...because you’ve made it!” said no Hallmark greeting card ever, right?

So once you’ve stepped into the uncertainty, how do you know you belong there?

Sometimes the outcome isn’t within our control - like the cheerleading squad I didn’t make or the cute boy who said no when I asked him to prom.

But we can learn what it feels like when we defer our expertise to others - and when we shrink from opportunities for *all the reasons.*

When we feel the feeling - we can make a different choice.

We can stop faking it and honor the fact that we’ve made it.

I’d love to know: what’s a chance you took before you were ready?

“Faking it till you make it” is part of a larger discussion about imposter syndrome hat I'll be facilitating along with Erin Brown. The 6-week series kicks off Thursday, and we’re saving a seat for you. Learn more here.