I woke up yesterday to a laptop that wouldn’t power on. 

I did the troubleshooting I know how to do (hello, Google!), and then made a plan to call the repair shop as soon as they opened. 

As I looked at my day and all that required my laptop to do it, I felt my anxiety rise. 

But when I took a deep breath, I also felt relief.



I’ve been working this week to draft the perfect message to send to my newsletter subscribers. The not tone-deaf one that would leave every reader feeling supported and empowered and none offended - and inspire everyone that would read it to action.  

Yesterday, of course, was the self-proclaimed deadline to hit “send.” 

No laptop = no newsletter, right? 


I know that procrastination and perfectionism are how imposter syndrome shows up for me - the excuses to not take the next step - and “just one more day” to get it right. 

A perfectly-timed session with my business mastermind yesterday helped me to remember why I do what I do - and the newsletter WILL be going out this afternoon.

And if you’re curious about imposter syndrome, join Erin Brown and me for a six-week guided exploration; we’re getting started on June 18th. Join us here.