Lessons Learned | Lesson Four

If it’s true that life begins at the edge of your comfort zone, then my life began when I launched Adjunct Advisors, LLC one year ago.

This week I’m sharing a handful of lessons I’ve learned this past year.

Lesson Four: If it feels clumsy and awkward, you're doing it right.

I’m a recovering skeptic - I still struggle, though, with money-back guarantees and a one-size-fits-all approach to most things - including building a business.

You already know I believe that we learn by doing. We gather information and we process it. We decide where it aligns with our tolerance for risk, and then we act. Or we don’t.

This year, I’ve learned there is indeed no magic formula for growing a business. Instead, it’s an ongoing cycle of trial and error, good days and not-so-good days, more trials and more errors. Days when it all makes sense and days when nothing does!

I was asked recently if I have any regrets, and I said that I’d instead prefer to call it advice I might give to someone just starting on this path, as our journey is our own.

I’d love to know: What advice would you give someone new to your industry? Let me know below!
