Lessons Learned | Lesson Five

Sharing the last of just a few of the lessons I’ve learned as Adjunct Advisors, LLC celebrates its first year in business.

Lesson Five: We don't have to do this alone.

Perhaps you’ve noticed the posts I make here each Friday, highlighting a woman in my network and the work that she does - the #HaveHerBack series.

These women, and so many more, made space for me just after I’d left my corporate job two years ago, when curiosity was the only thing I had to offer them. They shared their wisdom and their knowledge freely and honestly, expecting nothing in return from me.

They’ve been there with a hug, a high five or a kick in the you-know-what - depending on what I needed at the time! Being part of this community of knowledgeable, confidendent, supportive and generous women has been a true gift.

I couldn’t do this alone, and I’m grateful I don’t have to.

How do you know when someone has your back? Let me know in the comments below!
