4.07 | On Menopause with Carrie Mapes and Patty Pappas

Episode Summary

Our bodies are in a constant state of change - and never is this more true than in the time leading up to and during menopause. Carrie Mapes and Patty Pappas, co-founders of Hello Again, join host Meg McKeen to shed light on this not-often-enough talked about topic, and share the wisdom they've gleaned through aging, and how they're changing the experience other women have as they age, too.

In This Episode

00:00 - 03:29 | Welcome to Bound & Determined℠, Carrie and Patty! Carrie and Patty are girlfriends - and the co-founders of Hello Again Products. In this episode, we're talking about menopause. Whether you're thinking ahead, in menopause, or on the other side of it, there's something for you here. We take a minute to celebrate that we are living in a time when open conversations like this can take place as we honor the individual journeys we are on. 

03:30 - 08:11 | Let's dig into the signs and symptoms of menopause - it will be different for each of us. It manifested differently for both Carrie and Patty.  Sleep, hot flashes, and brain fog are just a few things on the list.

08:12 - 11:00 | Carrie and Patty learned by accident that they were navigating their individual experience with menopause - and that the support they needed didn't exist. Their unique, yet shared experience led them to a dispensary where they started the journey that would become Hello Again.

11:01 - 13:59 | Cannabis has turned the insurance industry on its head - which is exactly how Carrie and Patty felt as they began to develop the knowledge they'd need in order to build their business. We talk about what other people think, naysayers, and the nagging doubts that creep in when we're trying something new. What happens when we just say out loud what we want? For Carrie and Patty, so many doors opened.

14:00 - 17:59 | With age comes wisdom, right? Carrie and Patty share some of their own experiences - starting with the awkward conversation about menopause itself - and it doesn't have to signal the end of life, but rather a new and vibrant chapter. We talk about perfection - that's boring, right? 

18:00 - 22:09 | Carrie and Patty have developed a CBD-infused vaginal suppository to alleviate some of the symptoms of menopause. Carrie and Patty are customers and advocates - and Meg shares a couple of fun asides about makers of products who are also users of them! Meg is so much more aware today of the products she consumes as well as the businesses she supports.

22:10 - 25:19 | What do you wish you would've known as you were navigating your own menopause journey? Patty shares more about the knowledge she wishes she'd had - and Carrie talks about the very real fluctuations our hormones have leading up to and during menopause. Our hormones are fluctuating so much - and it can't be said enough. Aging is a physical process - fine lines, wrinkles, age spots  - all provide evidence that our bodies are moving into the next phase of life. 

25:20 - 30:44 | How can we support a woman who is in menopause? Understanding is key - and we acknowledge that both men and women are aging, our bodies manifest this change very differently. Meg shares more about her decision to stop coloring her hair - and the learning that experience provided. Leading with a sense of curiosity is key in the process.

29:00 - 30:44 | Thanks for being here, Carrie and Patty, and for having this important conversation with us.

In Carrie + Patty's words: Curiosity drove long-time friends Carrie Mapes and Patty Pappas to a dispensary for the first time. There they asked questions about all the products, brands, and delivery systems.  What they learned led to them creatively solving their own menopause experiences.  They formulated the product they wanted to use but didn't exist on the dispensary shelves.  Hello Again is a menopause solution that uses cannabis to help women feel healthy, not high.

To learn more about Carrie + Patty, visit www.helloagainproducts.com, or follow Hello Again on Instagram (@helloagainproducts).

To learn more about this podcast, and the work Meg McKeen does to support insurance professionals, visit Adjunct Advisors.  

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