4.03 | The Way We See Ourselves with Erin Bahadur

Episode Summary

Erin Bahadur joins host Meg McKeen to explore perhaps the most complex relationship we have - the one with ourselves. Erin shares more about her journey through addiction - and recovery - and how that experience has influenced the way she's navigating motherhood today.

In This Episode

Before we get started, know that this episode will include discussion around addiction. If you or someone you know is navigating addiction, please call 800-662-HELP (4357) or visit SAMSA. You are not alone.

00:00 - 01:19 | Welcome to Bound & Determined Erin Bahadur℠! Erin is a talented writer and photographer - and the creator of Erin's Inside Job, a blog that she curates filled with approachable ideas to support her unique viewpoint on wellness. 

01:20 - 04:19 | Meg shares more about how she came to know of Erin, during a time in her career when so much of what influenced her came through the lens of insurance. How refreshing a fresh perspective can be! Keep listening for an update on Meg's travels, too.

04:20 - 06:11 | Erin and her family relocated during the pandemic - from Chicago to North Carolina. We chat about the idea of home - is it a feeling or a place? 

06:12 - 8:59 | Erin is a writer and photographer, and in her blog, she tackles the idea of wellness but understands that it means something different to each of us. Erin shares more about the beginning of the blog in 2013, when she was in recovery. Erin knew she needed to share about the things she was feeling - and decided that writing was the best avenue.

09:00 - 10:49 | We talk about the "punishment culture” that we often experience - in fitness and in business. There's an energy around success that if it isn't painful, or you're not at your breaking point, then you haven't truly earned it. What would it feel like if we celebrated rest, too? 

10:50 - 13:07 | Erin's addiction shifted - to a focus on her body and nutrition - revealing that her recovery wasn't finished - and won't ever be.

 13:08 - 18:04 | We talk about our changing bodies - Meg's with age, and Erin's with motherhood. The view we have of our bodies changes with time, just like our bodies themselves do. Erin shares honestly about "sucking it in" - we do that literally, but also figuratively when we don't exposure our whole, true selves.

18:05 - 21:59 | Erin's experience has evolved - and as such, her personal experience with motherhood fuels a new passion for changing the post-partum experience for new mothers. While Meg isn't a mother, this awareness helps us all to be more supportive to those who need it. 

22:00 - 24:59 | Capturing the changes to her own body and her daughter's over this past year, take a peek at this amazing photo sequence. It's just so honest and beautiful. This sharing isn't about entertainment - but real life.

25:00 - 27:19 | A reminder that social media doesn't always tell the whole story. Sometimes we need a break or to be silent. We celebrate consistency, but can we celebrate taking a break, too?

 27:20 - 28:24 | Thanks for joining the podcast, Erin, and for being out there doing this good work!

To learn more about Erin Bahadur and follow along on her journey, visit Erin's Inside Job and follow her on Instagram @erinsinsidejob.

To learn more about the work Meg McKeen does to support insurance professionals visit Adjunct Advisors.  

To stay up-to-date on offerings, ideas, and Meg's latest travel plans, subscribe to To Taking the Risk here.

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