Episode Summary
What if we aren't climbing career ladders but playing career hopscotch instead? Listen in as host Meg McKeen is joined in conversation with Laura Rauba - a conversation sparked by this very question. Laura shares more about the sense of curiosity that led to her latest career move and how timing - and knowing yourself - really is everything when we're deciding which part of our life will be our priority - and how that priority can change.
Meet laura rauba
Laura has been with The Hartford since 2020 and has been involved in the industry for 15 years - including majoring in Insurance at Illinois State University. Laura is Mom to three young kids (ages 6, 5 and 2) who keep she and her husband busy. Laura enjoys working out at F45, listening to all different types of podcasts and coming up with home renovation projects she doesn't have time for.
Links & resources mentioned in this episode
Connect with Laura on LinkedIn
Read the post that sparked this conversation here
Translate insurance jargon using Insurance Nerds' Simplest Insurance Glossary
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