women in tech

Taking the Risk | Women In Tech & Entrepreneurship Breakfast

There is power in connection - and I felt the magic this morning! Such amazing energy and insights shared during this morning's Women In Tech Breakfast. I'm happy to grow in connection with you as we shared the stage, Liem, Laura, Rachael and Julia!

Thank you to General Assembly for curating this meaningful event and to TechNexus Venture Collaborative for hosting us.


Women In Tech & Entrepreneurship Breakfast

Chicago gals!

Next Friday, join me and an inspiring group of female founders as we deliver lightning talks about how women are succeeding in tech and entrepreneurship, and how we are fostering the next generation of leaders during the next Women In Tech Breakfast. Hosted by General Assembly at TechNexus Venture Collaborative, along with fellow founders Laura Dribin, Rachael Kay Albers, Julia Kanouse and Liem Le, I'll be sharing my message "Taking The Risk."

More information and your free registration here: Women In Tech Breakfast
