Does an accountant sell tax returns?
Does an attorney sell legal documents?
Of course they don’t.
It seems silly just reading those questions out loud, doesn’t it?
Accountants and attorneys earn a living using the wisdom and tools they have to create and interpret your tax return or those legal contracts - correctly, and to your benefit.
Yet ask an insurance agent what they do?
“I sell insurance.”
We have the wisdom - the license, the education, the experience, the tools, of course.
And we say - without missing a beat - that we want to be seen as a trusted advisor, just like an accountant or attorney.
But with so much emphasis on the insurance policy itself, we diminish ourselves before we even get started.
“Let me give you a quote.”
Are you selling an insurance policy?
Or are people valuing you for your wisdom?
Spoiler alert: No one else will believe you until you yourself do.
Not sure how to get there? I can help - learn more about the benefits of private coaching here.
Over to you: What’s the wisdom people pay you for?