
I love a made bed.

At the end of the day - hopefully exhausted in the best way and ready for rest, I move the (way too many) pillows to the side of the bed and peel back the covers before I settle in.

Each morning, I pull up the covers and re-align the (way too many) pillows and set about my day.

And the next day I do it all over again.

Some days, when my morning routine is off, it’s the middle of the afternoon, or even minutes before climbing into it that I finally get around to making my bed.

But every night, it’s a made bed that I climb into.

These are a precious few minutes of each day that I could certainly take back.

But the calm at the end of it that these few minutes at the start of the day provide makes this a non-negotiable for me.

There are 1,440 minutes in each day. Spending just a handful of them differently could, perhaps, change the entire trajectory of our day.

Spill it! Do you make your bed each morning? I suspect your answer will say a lot about your personality and I’m itching to know more!
