"Absolutely Not, Meg!"

It took me by surprise when a friend insisted that the monthly cleaning service she utilized was a non-negotiable; though not outrageous, in my view - as someone who actually enjoys cleaning - it was a “luxury” and one that could go.

She’d recently transitioned from a regular, steady income to one less predictable; as we talked through the financial aspect of this change, we were identifying items she could cut from her monthly budget and those that were essential.

As she continued, I learned that she didn’t feel like she was good at cleaning, she liked that she was forced to tidy up before the crew arrived, and she always appreciated that her place was clean when she returned home.

For her, the decision to hire a service to clean her place gave her confidence, accountability and results. Was she capable of cleaning? Absolutely! But for her, outsourcing this task allowed her to focus on other areas of her life where she could really shine.

I’d love to know - what do you outsource in your life or business? Let me know in the comments below!

Interested in outsourcing your new insurance sales producer development? Two individual coaching spots are available July 1; message me for more info!
